Koshkaryev Maksim Aleksandrovich

Noosphere Clinic, Russian Federation

Title: Preventive measures and treatment challenges of neck pain in people with sedentary work


To conduct the review of literature in the sphere of preventive measures and treatment of neck pain in people with «sedentary» character of work and to develop the neck pain preventive strategies.
Materials and Methods: The search of literature sources in PubMed and eLIBRARY electronic databases by key words «industrial gymnastics», «preventive measures and treatment of neck pain» and «neck pain during sedentary work» has been conducted. The number of publications equal 90, including foreign ones, were analyzed: 37 descriptions of clinical studies’ results, 16 epidemiological investigations, 15 systematic reviews, 2 protocols of clinical researches; from the publications of domestic authors: 4 clinical trials; 10 systematic reviews; 6 other sources.
Results: The risk factors of neck pain occurrence in people with «sedentary work» and current recommendations for its prevention and treatment are determined.
Conclusion: The number of strategies equal 7 for effective prevention of neck pain in people with «sedentary» work, as well as treatment options with the appearance of neck pain, were proposed.
